Thursday, June 23, 2011

Father's Day this year and such

Father's Day was beautiful and fulfilling for Jody. This makes my heart sing because, well most of the time I don't feel that I measure up or that he'll ever really feel like I'm quite good enough.
Kait and I got up and made him waffles. She busied around like a little bee chopping strawberries and arranging them on superfluous dishes and pouring his orange juice, chattering at a dizzying speed which was for some reason driving me crazy. I repeatedly hollered for Eden and finally climbed menacingly into her bed and drug her downstairs with breakfast cooling which added steam to my irrationally irritable mood. Somehow we did it all, and Jody loved his breakfast despite the portly steaming spouse at the table. I'm not sure how, but I got a shower before church. We sat in church and a father of ten got up and spoke to the fathers about "intentional parenting". I was SO convicted. It wasn't my special day but I guess I'm a special case of always wallowing in my inadequacies. Jody enjoyed it too, which really is the main thing and then we went to the Father's Day car show that the church has every year. It was nice. We went home and chilled for awhile. Gave Jody a random smattering of presents from Lowe's that he loved. I don't know deep down whether he really did love and need them or whether he just tends to be gracious about receiving gifts, anyway, he doesn't seem to intend to return the deep well sockets, the measuring tapes, the drill bits or the screw driver heads... which I have decided to chalk up as a score. We then all suited up, loaded up and headed to the new bike park on Valmont in Boulder. I would definitely say that the ride could have gone better but Jody was simply radiant that we were all riding with him at the park on Father's Day. I'm not sure how many times he thanked each of us for participating, yes even the portentous marshmallow wife rode. So, I guess we'll try to hit it again this weekend and hopefully things will go a little more smoothly each time until I'm to the waddle and squat point. Then we went home and grilled brats and hung out as a family. I call the day a success.
The kids have each had some special little moments as their anticipation of the baby grows. Nick now ascertains to me daily that the baby is a girl and still plaintively asks me if the baby is going to come out soon. One day he pointed at a picture of a baby at Costco and told me it was like OUR baby and pointed at my growing girth. He also informed Eden's friend who was here for a sleepover that there was a baby in his mom's tummy in a stage whisper. He loves my belly with complete abandon, even pulling my shirt up at the library today to whisper little messages with his lips smooshed against me followed by several wet kisses.
The other day I was telling Kaitlyn what all I needed her to do and she said "okay, but can I please visit the baby first? I haven't visited the baby in so long." She then pulled up my shirt, repeated her name about ten times to the baby, kissed my stomach and left.
Eden, after having tried to get her hand on my belly for a good kick for a couple of weeks announced to me that she thought that the baby stopped kicking when I told people, so she just wanted me to gesture to her and she would come feel it. I did this two or three times and sure enough, she finally got a good kick. When she got the kick, I stayed calm to see if she noticed it and her eyes widened and she looked ready to burst with glee." My nose got kinda burny and I know it's just the whole pregnancy hormone thing, so somehow I kept it cool and we just enthused together without mom falling apart into a weeping mess.
Kait had now of course just had it with the situation because Eden felt the baby move and she didn't so she wouldn't even try for a couple of days, but yesterday she did and got a nice big thump and the same glow came over her face. The expression of rapture again made my nose start burning, but I did my best to act normal and savor her moment with her as well.
All is well on the home front. I get bigger, summer gets hotter, kids get the summer crazies a little worse and Jody works harder, because that's what engineers do in the summer.
This is an article on the project he just finished called Fillmore Plaza in Cherry Creek, my old hood. And I guess, now he's hard at work on the phase II of the Erie Park which will be of great personal benefit to his family. I'm looking forward to it.
He just showed me a night scene picture of it tonight.

It makes my heart burst with pride that Jody was part of something so American, so capitalistic, so successful at driving the economy in the only sure way to make it work. Just hard working people, putting their money to work and growing businesses and creating jobs without government handouts or interferences.

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