Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today was beautiful in it's own way

When you're a mother of three and all of the kids are sick, you don't think of it as an opportunity for a great day, but it was. Eden cried while holding her pain ridden head in her hands the second she got out of bed, Nick's fever continued to rocket and plummet, he puked on both of the couches and though it's terrible to say, Kaitlyn was the most positively affected because the cold settled in her throat and her voice was impaired to the point that she did not shatter my eardrum for a whole day.Woohoo! Bonus! Just because I'm a glutton for punishment, I declared no TV for the day to boot. You have now decided that my title and opening comments are sickeningly sarcastic. Aha! You are wrong! Eden and Kait were weak and I'm glad I didn't let them go to school but as the day progressed, they felt better and played a grand total of 10 board games in one day including four hilarious rounds of twister! The girls had the energy but Nick was still just laying near them, so they made him a giant pallet on the floor and rigged a roof over it for him, so being sick would be more sensational, which I loved and thought was terribly sweet. On top of that, Eden started reading a book and became so engrossed, I saw her standing at the kitchen counter on one foot with the other propped on her leg, reading it while she waited for something. It was like looking in the mirror at myself when I was 8. Nick was the sad part of the day because he wasn't on the mend until after 4, so I held him when he asked me to hold him and bathed him when he puked, and washed several loads of laundry and prayed for him because he's such a tiny thing. When Jody got home, Kaitlyn had just spelled doctor with the sandpaper letters missing only the second "o" which I thought was very cool and Nick was begging everyone to play Hungry Hungry Hippos. It was just good in so many ways. I'm a lucky, lucky woman to have the freedom to take care of my kids on a sick day without worrying about all of the things that so many Moms do have to worry about. May God help me always see His blessings, know them for what they are and give Him all of the glory. He so obviously loves my family and me very much.

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