Monday, March 28, 2016

My Job

Learning what is my job has been my focus the last couple of years. As a life long fixer and confronter and bosser, I've turned over a new leaf. It doesn't come easily. It's so natural for me to intervene and insert myself into things that I talk to myself a lot these days. "Elizabeth, whose problem are you worrying about? Is it your problem? Can you fix it? Should you fix it? Is this a prayer item?" This is a running monologue in my head. Whether I'm thinking about whether someone might need vitamins, to work on their temper, to be kinder, to decide about their injured dogs future, how to recover from a heartbreaking loss, how to navigate a scary illness, how to find a husband or a million other things that come at me, the only true answer is pray. I can't live their journey. I can't hand out shortcuts. Most of the time if I'm honest, I don't know the shortcut. So I pray. And sometimes I say stupid stuff anyway but I'm a work in progress. I never feel a thrill of success from intervening in someone's life like I do from seeing the Holy Spirit intervene. He's amazing. So if you ever see me bite my tongue. Pat me on the back. It's hard! 

1 comment:

Celeste said...

I love this soooooo much