Monday, March 7, 2016

One weekend in March

When I am old and bored and it's March I hope I read this and feel the memories course through me bringing life and joy and energy.
Thursday night all of Kait and Nicks science fair work culminated in the grand Science Museum. They did wonderfully. I really loved it. But I love knowing they are done just as much.
Friday I got a bee in my bonnet and demanded a lunch date with my chum Jenny. Now why do I always blog about Jenny? I don't know. I guess she's just one of those people who blows wind in my sails and when I think about sitting at some little restaraunt with her in a little spot of sunshine I smile. While all of my friends are beautiful and amazing, the thing I just love about Jenny is that she believes in me. And she says those little words we are all dying to hear from just anyone like "you are such a good mom" or "you're so positive" because you know that's what we all want to be so badly. Anyway, we had one of those perfect lunches where we would sometimes talk too fast and sometimes we just stopped talking entirely and soaked up Hazel's smiles. Then I snooped all over her new house build exclaiming over every beautiful thing but finding myself turning more often to see her face because she's getting so damn excited and I love it. Her new wooden porch went in just like her old one and she told me she never even anticipated it but when her shoes landed on those boards and she walked across them she felt like she was home again. And I didn't know whether I wanted to cry with happiness for her or bust a move. Because I seriously loved that old porch even though it always got me half drunk. Yeah I always try to blame other people and even inanimate objects for my poor alcohol outcomes.
On Friday night I got a free pair of tickets to see a local band and I took Kait. We had so much fun. I've never had that much fun at a local event. They are seriously talented. Their name is       Face. Kait was so cute at the concert and I had the best time explaining to her what an encore is and how you always keep clapping at the end so they come back for one more song. She and I danced and sang and laughed when the "brush hazels teeth" alarm went off on my phone. I'll always treasure the memory of that night. I know it sounds petty but it sometimes feels like nobody in my family does anything with me just because I really want to but this time Kait did. 
Saturday morning we were up bright and early for cheer. Kait did beautifully as always. 
We read some of the Penderwicks because we squeeze it in wherever we can when we get close to the end of a book and then we went to Eden's yellow belt test. My girl Eden really was beautiful and graceful out there. I could not have been more amazed. And of course she earned her yellow belt. There was something very beautiful and special about sitting there, the whole family watching her with rapt attention, nerves on end. An hour of test after test after test. I'm certain every skill she has acquired in karate was put on display.
We went home and just relaxed and had family time. 
In the morning, I was volunteering in kids quest and the leader asked a small group of girls to share very hard things that had happened in their lives and how God brought good from it. They shared harder stories than I've lived through. A father in jail. A little brother gone to heaven. It was sad hard stuff and it reminded me of this golden season I'm in right now. I so treasure it. I'm so thankful that it's here. 
We went to see Star Wars FINALLY all six of us. It's an event. Getting six people to church and the movie theater is a full day's work. But my Hazy curled up to cuddle me the whole time and I sat by my man and shed a tear here and there. I have never purposefully watched a Star Wars movie but I was assaulted with the movies so many times as a child that I couldn't help but get a little sentimental. 
Tonight after a feast from the grill we hunkered down and drove straight to the end of "The Penderwicks in Spring" I had to pause often to wipe my tears but we made it and it's honestly one of the best books we've ever had for a read aloud. 
And at bed time as we prayed and cuddled and sent our children off to bed it felt complete. I laid in the arms of my husband, I smelled spring I kissed him deeply and felt a presence... Yes the dog had come to see what we were doing... Just like a fifth child indeed, 
Thank you March for such a lovely weekend for me to always remember with my beautiful family.

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