Monday, June 13, 2011

A boy is a wonderful thing...

Pinata booty, which was then supplemented by Cam, a darling "big kid" who graced Nick's party.

I love my boy. He be celebrated his fourth birthday two days ago and I have such a hard time remembering life without his wonderfulness. Four years and two days ago, I was thrashing around in a birth tub, struggling for words to tell people to turn off the damn lights and turn on my Sarah MacLachlan music. Then, Eden was announcing to the room at large that he was a boy. My boy. Jody's boy. Such a real boy. He saunters, he talks about cars and trucks, holds me and kisses me every day, loves his nerf gun and zooms around on his strider bike like a wild man. The night before his birthday, I prayed for him and he grabbed my hand and held it and said "Mom, lets talk about cars." I begged him to stay three for another year and he obligingly agreed. The essence of Nick is yellow crocs, a ball cap, a bag of chips and either a car, a backhoe a bike or a gun. I love every minute with him. The other day he found a thumb tack and brought it to me. I asked him what he had found and he drug the point of it down the arm of our leather chair. I jumped and screamed. Tears filled his eyes and his lip wobbled, "sowwy Mom, sowwy!" Eh, who cared about the dumb chair anyway? He loves his dogs to a painful degree. Sometimes I don't know how they endure being the bad guys for at least half of the day but he does make it up to them with those painfully tight love holds. He plaintively told me he wants to play with the baby today. He's tired of waiting for it. I'm not tired of waiting, but I'm glad he is. I love my Nick. If I want a cuddle, he seems to always be handy, he will hold me, kiss me and nuzzle me in the most endearing way. He loves blankies, snuggling and reading stories. I can't think of anything Nick doesn't love. He's enthusiasm and joy from life gives me a thrill every day. The face he had when the waitresses sang "Happy Birthday" to him at Red Robin, was priceless.
I know for certain that the children we have been given are the greatest and most undeserved blessing of our life. The gift of spending our days and nights enjoying their presence is purely a gift. The gift of joy, time, love and memories. I hope I hold the pieces inside like a treasure and open the trove from time to time, so I can remember the cute little words, the hilarious facial expressions and the unexpected offerings of love.
Nicks birthday weekend was complete. He had a grand pancake breakfast made by Daddy, a dinner out, a huge party the next day with water balloon fights, a pinata, a cool tipi, hot dogs, cake, ice cream and water guns. It was a great "little boy" birthday party. It's been awhile coming. His birthdays up to now haven't amounted to much and I think this one was tops! We decided since he doesn't have very many little friends, we would have a family style party and invite anyone who has been a friend to Nick, and that turned out to be kids anywhere from the age of 1 to 12, with a total of 18 kids in attendance. For me, it was so great to have my guests arrive on foot or on bikes. We have such a fantastic community of people here and I've been lonesome for that for a long time. The second thing I realized and personally appreciated, were the benefits of having big kids at a little kids party... well the right kind of big kids, the kind that hand me paper plates, and remove difficult packaging for toys, give the little guy part of their pinata booty, let him whack them with swords during a serious water gun fight and clean up the remains of a pinata massacre. That kind! That last pic, is of Nick nailing Kieli with a water balloon.
I love you so much little boyo. My little Boo.

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