Monday, September 13, 2010

Do you believe in magic?

I do. I believe in God's magic anyway.
I woke up on Sunday morning with the worst vertigo. I looked at the empty spot in the bed where Jody should have been and knew he had drug himself into work to get a project out by a deadline (insert the music with those words "all by myself, don't wanna be... all by myself"). I've had a middle ear infection before but I knew this was from my severe allergies. I've been blowing my nose like a cartoon character lately. I stood in the shower with my entire back pressed against the wall with the world reeling. I had to go pick Eden up from a sleepover. I drug Kait and Nick out to the car and drove with my teeth gritted. We picked Eden up who was incredibly groggy and grouchy from staying up too late. I drove back home to feed everyone some food. I had to focus every step I took, and then Nick had a fit. He shoved his cereal bowl across the table and milk and cheerios slopped out. I told him to "EAT!" so he started grabbing individual cheerios out and throwing them backwards over his shoulder. I transported him to his room to think about his actions and collapsed on the couch. I told Kait I just didn't have it in me to take them to church. She told me that would be fine, she just needed my phone so she could call Daddy because she was sure he would understand and come home and take her to church. I was in full throttle "victim" mode so I told her if she was going to be like that I would take them to church. I went upstairs and retrieved Nick. I made it to the van again by sheer grit while yelling at all of my children for various transgressions. My neighbor Peter was in his yard and cheerfully greeted me. He's a self proclaimed agnostic so I always try to consider it my special job to be "Christs Love" to him. I greeted him with gritted teeth and told him I was going to have to do a lot of repenting for the number of sins I'd committed against my children in my effort to get them to church. He found that quite amusing and made a witty remark, sending me off wondering which of us was living a better example for the other. We were about 15 minutes late for Rush Hour but that's kind of an Allen family tradition so it was cool. I reeled into the building, clung to the chair in front of me and the message was on "responsibility". Well, I knew for sure Eden needed to hear that so I got my chin up. We are not going to open up for examination whether I needed to hear about that myself. Somehow I survived the bobbing happy people on the stage and got all of the children to their classes for the first time in my life. Jody always takes two and leaves me one. I was really missing him. I tried to be as inconspicuous as possible while clinging to railings and trying not to think about throwing up. I'd now been trying to function normally for about 3 hours give or take and it was starting to take it's toll. I went past the door where I knew my van was parked and I'd be lying if I didn't confess that running away crossed my mind. I sat down in the sanctuary. I wasn't even bothering to stand when they said stand, clap when they said clap or bow when they said bow. I just sat in the pew with my back pressed against the wood trying to be as still as possible. The sermon was fantastic as usual. I can always count on Pastor Alan to convict me, uplift me and motivate me. We continued to study how to be more Christ like from the gospel of Luke and I had found myself skipping around finding all of these examples of how much God loves me and even the comparison where Jesus asked how much more God must love his children than a parent loves their own. I thought about how much I love Eden, Kait and Nick. Most of my time is spent on them, making their lives as great as I can. Then I think Pastor Alan read "Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."
Or maybe I just thought about it. Anyway, I was kind of thinking about how to delight myself in the Lord and as we took communion I sat there telling God that I really wanted to bring the girls to Childrens Choir because I want them to have more of His Word hidden in their hearts but I needed him to give me the push he'd given me that morning. Then I thought again about how much He loved me. I told Him that I had no doubt of his ability to heal me of the vertigo and that I would really love to be healed but I needed His help one way or another. I took communion and felt peaceful. Then Jesus did his magic on me and the vertigo went away. I took the kids to Children's Choir and felt so completely happy.

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