Tuesday, August 12, 2008

This is the song that does not end...

Anybody know that song? I feel like that song is about the house we own in Kasson. We have had more deals fall through than I ever thought I could imagine. It's almost mathematically impossible. What in the world? We have had two people try to buy it, innumerable people go through it and say they want to rent it and yet every time we're right on the tip of a deal, the people magically disappear. They don't return phone calls or emails. They just disappear. It's incredible. This week I actually went throught the entire screening process on a couple. They said they wanted to rent it and then save up and buy it. They LOVED it. I had the whole application to the last step. All they had to do was log into their email, fill out an authorization form for me to have a credit check done and send me the security deposit. They disappeared. Can you even believe it? I spent all of this time and money to get them in this house that they loved and then they just randomly stopped returning my phone calls and emails. How hard is it to just reply one time and say "sorry, we found something else" or "sorry, we changed our minds." For the love of Mike!
This past weekend Grandma and Grandpa Barry came to visit. The girls were in heaven and Nick was always ready to put on a show for them. We had a great visit. There was much shopping for school clothes etc... and playing and watching of the Olympics. Overall, the kids didn't want it to end and I don't think their grandparents did either. It always gives me a little pang of guilt that we moved away.
Today I was making dinner and turned around and there was Nick, who I had taken the clothes off of due to a snack mishap and he had a pitcher and was stuffing his diaper in it. I did a double take and realized the little imp had actually taken his diaper off and was busy trying to hide it... or maybe just playing with it but the fact remains, the child removed his diaper and put it in a pitcher in the kitchen cabinet. Does anyone else confess to their toddlers sanitary infractions?
Tonight Eden got the extra long cuddle. Finally after a long silence, she asked me to tell her all about Kindergarten again because she was worried. We've gotten every Kindergarten book the Library has to offer, so maybe I've overdone the preparation. I don't know. I listed off everything I could remember doing in Kindergarten and I just wanted to cry. I don't really know why it's so hard to let your kids grow up or what the hesitation is. They drive us crazy, push us to our limits, use all of our time, money, energy and patience and we just want them to stay little. It's like an oxymoron. Everywhere I go, people watch me puddle my way along and stop me to tell me how badly they miss those days. I'm usually incredulous. What do they miss? Planning your whole day around a nap that may or may not happen? Peeling dried milk off of the car seats? Realizing somebody is missing a shoe and it might have been lost in one of the last four stores you were in? Going to more public restrooms with greater frequency than you ever dreamed of prior to children? Stopping for the free kids cookies at the bakery counter, remembering the time when there was no reason on earth to deny yourself a hazelnut latte? Being so overwhelmed with the logistics of having children that you forget to enjoy their youth more often than not? Ah, those dreamy people at Target don't really miss that stuff, they don't even remember it. They miss the kisses, the "I want you Mommy", the drooly smiles, the belly laughs, the simple love and devotion, the fact that they're needed so deeply and nobody else will do. They miss the funny sayings, the cuddles, the firsts, the lasts... oh man it already feels like it's over. Having that last baby is tough. I guess no matter how many kids you go for, the last one is tough. I'm happy though. I feel blessed beyond words, and purely content with the family God has given me and the home we have to live in. To hell with all of the worries over the house in Kasson. If it never sells, we'll still have everything we could need and we'll still have these great memories to carry us into our old age.
The question of the day. Do I buy a vacuum on Craigslist for $20 that may have seen any amount of abuse or buy the Consumer Reports one for $79? Input please. Mind you, I can't afford either but my fear is buying the one for $20 only to discover it doesn't work and then have to buy either another $20 one or the recommended one at the store. A real quandary.

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