Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Haircuts and a morning in the life of ME!!!

Look at my two baby dolls. Are they just the cutest things in the world or what? Well, actually Eden looks more grown up than ever. School starts in three weeks. I can't believe I'm a mom let alone that I have one old enough to go to school.

Life continues to fly along at a dizzying pace. I'm blogging just a single solitary morning for all of the people who have never experienced it or for those who have forgotten. It goes something like this:

Nick screamed at 6AM. I scaled 4 flights of stairs in record time. It's 47 steps from my bed to his bed. I scooped the angry catamount into my arms and decended at a more leisurely pace. We cuddled for about an hour, he nursed, we dozed for about an hour and then we laughed at each other and finally rose from bed a little after 8. I checked my email to find that someone was ready to buy the couch, chair and ottoman that I purchased at a storage auction last week. I called her, she said she'd be by in about an hour. I turned around and all of the cake pans I own had been removed from the kitchen cabinets by all three children. I shrugged and made tea. Everyone wanted a different breakfast. Big suprise. I made tea, spent about 30 minutes on the phone with my sister musing over all of the divorces going on and doing a quick summary of what would fix the world, all with the phone on the charger beside the stove. By that time I'd consumed 2 cups and felt ready to attack the library that the kids brought home yesterday. We sat down and read three very nice books, a small dent in the 60 pounds of books now scattered amongst the cake pans. I sneaked downstairs to check my email and found an interesting article from Jody and took just a LITTLE too long reading. Soon, the siren (Kaitlyn) went off in a deafening "MOMMY WAAA MOMMY WAAA" cadence. I bolted up the stairs to get the scoop. Kaitlyn wouldn't share her stroller with Nick, so Eden spanked her. Typical middle child and typical first child. I announced that since they were both being so ridiculous they could wait for tomorrow to read any more books. Eden was crushed. She had picked out a wonderful Valentine's Day book that she was dying to have me read. Yes, odd... much like the rest of the pile. I even spied "Charile Brown's Christmas" in that heap. I will refresh your now muddled mind, yes it really is August. Eden had decided to share her nutrigrain bar with Nick and he had made nice little blackberry sticky spots all over the place... amongst the books and cake pans. I scooped up the now confiscated books and commanded the children to put all of the cake pans away. The clock was ticking. The lady would be here any minute and I needed to get outside and drag all of that furniture out of the trailer and have it ready for viewing. I ran out, drug all of the furniture out and in the process all of my children, still in jommies came trailing out front. I'm pretty sure we're considered the neighborhood hillbillies, with my peculiar storage auction finds getting scatterd on the lawn and the children running around half dressed and barefoot. The lady pulled up in her Lexus SUV and thought the furniture was perfect for her daughter in College and paid me on the spot. Whew, sigh of relief. They left and I cranked up everything a notch. I ran out back and picked up dog poop. I told Kait she only had to change her pants three times to no avail. Got Nick changed and dressed, discovered a foul odor coming from under my arms after jockeying all of that furniture around, and hollered "everyone put on shoes" at least thirty times. I changed shirts, reapplied my pathetic deodorant that I'm not allergic to, and found Eden had actually put on her shoes and brushed her hair!!! Score! Five year olds are great! I ran upstairs, got Kait some pants, ran all the way downstairs and got her flip flops, buckled Nick in his carseat and realized I desperately needed to pee. I ran in, took care of that, got back out to the car with the brush in hand and told Kait to brush all the way there, and off we went. We got to the Humane Society just fine, ran in to get a refund on the Rabies Voucher that the vet had not accepted and was told that Jody had to do it because he paid with his credit card, or they could mail me a check in a few days. The kids had to see the entire facility and speculate on the origins of every dog, cat and rabbit with Nick just doing that adorable audible breathing because he was so excited. We got out of there, drove across the street and hopped on golf cart for a tour of a storage facility. It was a sealed bid auction so the kind lady took us to door number one. An old beat up table, boxes and boxes of what looked like craft supplies and two cat carriers... nah. Door number two! More trash than anyone could imagine what to do with and more old beat up tools thant I could ever store... Nah. The kids love these places and they love seeing what's inside. It's hilarious. Door number three... hmmm.... interesting. A prelit chistmas tree, a computer box... what if there's a nice computer in there? An oil lamp, rolling pin and maybe lots of kitchen gadgetry... a nice velux blanket... hmmm, might not make any money but it's clean and interesting. We put in a $22 bid and the kids didn't want to leave. The lady mistakenly told them they're welcome to come over for golf cart rides any time. "What?" One more thing for them to harrass me to death about. We ran to the bank with everyone voiciferously complaining about me not using the lane where you get suckers and deposited a couple of checks. I called Jody, made sure he had called the lady that was going to buy a sling today and then came home and made the strangest hodgepodge lunch you have ever seen. Partially to blame was the fact that my lettuce was completely frozen. I looked at the settings on the fridge and turned to Eden to ask who had turned all of them to HIGH? Her hand went to her mouth and her bottom lip stuck out in that singular look that says, "oh no, what did I break now?" "I did" she mumbled. I didn't get mad, just told her how great it would be if she would just ask me what stuff does.

Nick is now napping, the girls have turned the dining room into a tent and succumbed to the tv. That's my morning. Someday I'll blog an afternoon.

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