Thursday, September 9, 2010

wah wah wah!

Can I have a wah wah post? Why, yes, of course I can have a wah wah post, this is my blog!
I will say that for the most part, we had a good day and I'm a happy person and I'm not just a big meanie but at about... eh 4PM things kinda started to slide downhill.
Eden has had a rash on her face for two months or more... I took her to the doc before school and she told me to put antibiotic ointment on it. Yep, took my $20. Didn't work, so she said to put cortisone cream on it. Didn't work. Said I had to see a specialist! What? That's all a doctor can do? Suggest that you wander around a pharmacy grabbing random creams and smearing them around on your kids face while the damn rash grows? So today we got our appointment with the specialist and I had to pay $50. She came in, smiled at Eden, told me it was some kind of dermatitis and gave me a prescription. For real? I had to pay $50 for that? How annoying! Then she turns on me and gets this expression of horror and disgust and says "What is going ON with your NOSE?" I took it pretty easily and said, "yeah, I'm starting to wonder the same thing as I look at your giant chart of skin cancer." She quizzed me on the growth of my nose mole and I honestly couldn't give her an informative answer. I have no idea if my mole has changed. It's just not too high on my priority list. I mean I stare at my eyebrows that aren't plucked, not the same ugly old mole that's always been on my nose! She sent me into a tizzy. I said "do you think it's cancer????" She said "well, it certainly needs to be biopsied, it's VERY unusual!" She, of course has no idea what I've been through with cancer lately. I drove home ran straight to Theresa's house and laid on her couch having a fit of hysterics. Well, mainly just hypothesizing the worst case scenario which I equate with hysterics in retrospect. This was completely inappropriate behavior as I am quite sure Theresa has enough on her plate. Meanwhile, the kids are just kind of wandering between her house and mine while I pay very little attention. Finally, either I pulled myself together or Theresa pulled me together and I announced that my brood was going to evacuate and make her home a sanctuary again. I walked up on my porch and the door was locked. Eden told me that Kait had locked it. No problem, I went and hit the garage door opener. I walked into the garage and the door to the house from the garage was locked. I pulled out my keys and low and behold I'd never put it back on the key ring after leaving it with Theresa while we went to Yellowstone. I walked around the side of the house and Kait was trying to open the window to the basement. I uttered some bitter words to her and headed up the stairs to the deck. I grabbed the sliding glass door and it was locked. I looked up at my bedroom window on the third floor and it was open with the curtain fluttering in the breeze. I went down and got the ladder while phoning to Jody to bitterly account to him the situation. I wrestled it up the steps while the new neighbor kindly offered to help in some way. I grouchily told him I was fine and gave Kait another scathing look. I wrestled it up the stairs of the deck and the man decided to just jump over the fence and help me all the same. We wrestled it around on the deck, admitting we should have adjusted it in the yard and not on the tiny deck but we finally got it to a workable height and I scaled it while Theresa stood out on her giant boat dock... I mean deck and made exclamations. I announced that I needed a dinner knife or a flat head screwdriver which she promptly procured and I popped the screen open and crawled through. There was an applause from the deck and I went downstairs and opened the sliding glass door. By this time I was very sweaty and hot. Jody called to ask why I hadn't used the garage door opener... ugh! Re-explained the situation to him and he said he'd be home after 7... triple ugh! I came inside and Mom called. I really did wish she were here to massage me but alas, I still had to torture Eden through her homework and make dinner. I ran back outside and started the grill and ran in circles looking for a part for the food processor so I could slice potatoes for oven fries. I finally gave up and hand chopped them. I found it about 30 minutes later on the filing cabinet. I wish my brain had all of the connections. I hadn't even remembered it being in my possession. Somehow it came together nicely and we had burgers, oven fries and asparagus for dinner. The girls are in bed now but I am having to delete about every third letter because the little guy is torturing me by sneaking over and typing a random letter or number here and there. I'll give him a minute...

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