Friday, January 16, 2015

100 joyful days

Thís year I will be posting 100 joyful days. Not because every day is a party but because I've been so sad for so long and the Healer is lifting my heart. This was my birthday:
First of all, all I asked for was homemade crepes. My always brave husband plunged right in.

They make my heart positively sing. This is more than I ever could have asked for when I dreamed of what my life would be like when I was little. 
Then they made me a scrumptious cake and sang happy birthday to me. I do feel very awkward with having my picture taken in front of a cake though so my description will have to suffice. 
Kaitlyn made me a very sweet card that she sternly told me was for my eyes only. One line said "you are 26 years wiser than me." She's so funny. 
I am happy to wait for it but I know that someday I will treasure each moment I recorded and just the mention will bring emotions flooding back to my heart. The explosion of joy and blessings beyond my ability to absorb both now and then.

1 comment:

Shorts said...

Love this and nice job on those crepes, Jody