Friday, January 23, 2015

5 Love is all the same

You love your spouse, you love your kids, your sisters, brothers, parents, friends, aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, nephews... Who did I forget? But why? We all love to call love a choice but do we really fall back on that when we don't feel loving towards someone? Nope. We fall back on the warm fuzzies, the memories of love, laughing, inside jokes, affection, promises, gifts, time, pranks, special songs, favorite foods, idiosyncrasies, declarations and moments of realization. Here's some pictures of people I love. They love me too and it gives me warm fuzzies. Sadly, one well placed jab, bit of impatience, insecurity or anger can completely derail the love flow that ebbs like warm honey. The one's I love who are in heaven give me a bit of insight into this. All that they left for me when they departed were the warm fuzzies. The conflicts, hurts, offenses and struggles seem inconsequential and easily bearable if they only would come back. I wish that were in the front of my mind when I hurt people I love and they hurt me. If only we could all accept that there are few absolutes in conflict, imperfection is beauty and many perspectives exist but all pales in the light of love.

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