Monday, September 15, 2008


Today I told Eden that I was going to make her favorite dinner. She turned on her winning smile and said "POTPIE?!!!!" I said "yep." She said "I have hearts in my eyes because I love pot pie so much!"
We've been reading the Little House on the Prarie books. Strangely, I've never read them, so it's a nice thing to read them to the girls. Every page is new to me too and they find the books completely captivating.
Nick seems to have caught a cold. I hope it's a little bit of a healthier winter than some that we've survived. He's such a little shrimp, I can't afford for him to stay sick all winter.
Kait is doing great in homeschool. She demands it of me, so there's never any time to slack off. I told Gin today, that I guess I just don't have time to drink my tea and chat on the phone with her in the morning anymore. I hit the snooze on my alarm this morning and missed my shower. I finally caught up enough to get the shower after Eden got home from school and before I took the kids to gymnastics. Ugh. I don't know about all of this.
I somehow got fanangled into managing the food stuff at the school. Treats are taken every Wednesday for the teachers and I am in charge of assigning the duties, reminding the people and filling in the days that people can't. My volunteers have alot of advice for me and my email inbox is a complete mess. I also have to plan and assign tasks for three meals twice this year for conferences. I have to plan the theme and organize the whole thing. ME! I forgot Nicks' doctor appointment today. I felt like the king of the mountain because I REMEMBERED to send the requested boiled egg to school with Eden today. ME! Everyone just pray for me. That's all I can say.
Well, that's all for tonight.... except a little Oprahma Drama.
Well, Jody says Oprah always was 100% fake. I dunno, I watched her show every couple of months and thought it was pretty good sometimes. I didn't think she was racially motivated or anything. She seemed concerned about women. Maybe she is, but here's where people need to know that her politics are coming on her show again. If you agree with them, then fine. If you just don't know anything about it and care, here's the link.,2933,422985,00.html

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