Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ha Ha Ha!

I chirped "peek a boo" rythmically as Nick hid his face with his pants. I wondered if I was the only one who could hear the fakeyness in my little cheery voice while I changed his diaper in record speed trying to keep the screaming from starting. A weary two year old's voice behind me said "I just want to have a baby so bad. I just want to grow up and be a mommy right now." I laughed at her solemn face. How could I not? I asked "how many children will you have? A quiet thougtfulness covered her face and she said "four... or maybe nine, I just can't decide." I told her that was great and then she said "It just takes sooooo loooooong to be a kid." This is Kaitlyn. As my two year old disappears and the three's creep up on us, I'm just so amazed at the things she thinks about and says. And I miss the two stuff already.

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