Monday, December 31, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We had a bit of a rough month in December and I took a little of it out on my blog. I'm sorry if it was a bit dreary for my readers but I fully intend to turn it around in January. After all, it's a new year and alas I shall soon be 28. I don't think that means much but I thought I'd squeeze it in there.
We had a very hard decision to make this month and it felt like everyone we knew got a broken heart out of the deal. The family in Minnesota is broken to lose us, the family in Arkansas is broken to almost have us join them and then have to change our plans and I was broken to miss the opportunity. Jody's heart was broken over the fact that I was hurt and the kids... well, Eden suffered her first grief at the loss of her home in Kasson. We sat in the foyer and cried together at the loss of the place she made so many memories.
And now, we start a new chapter. Life will change in many ways, both good and bad. One thing I have to count as a blessing is the fact that our families love us so much. They work so hard with us to make the distance between us feel like nothing at all. Thank God for cell phones that have unlimited long distance and grandparents that are willing to piece together broken english from my silly toddlers with a persistence that they would never invest in a telemarketer from Pakistan.
We'll be moving within a week and settled within two weeks. I'll post then!

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