Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Colorado update

Well, we've been here about three weeks. The kids are settled in. I've been taking them to story hour and discovery days which is a neat thing at the Longmont Museum for them to do craft activities each week. We joined the rec center and have free child care for the kids. Jody is working constantly just like last time we lived here. I'm trying to get Eden into a good school. Nick stays up all night every night. Kaitlyn gets up bright and early every day. Eden stays up as late as possible each night and tries to sleep in all morning. I'm living on the adrenaline I generate from screaming like a psycho at my kids. I am sure we didn't choose the easy route by moving here with three kids but we'll adjust with time.
The upside is I got a call from a friend in MN that said it's been 40 below 0 there. I'm not sorry to miss that.
School is back on track. Eden and Kait are sponges. I love teaching them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to read what you've been up to. I've been thinking of you -knowing what it took to move across the street... and knowing you had way more to do to get where you are probably had something to do with it. It WAS INSANLEY cold - and we officially had a blizzard yesterday. Schools closed at 11 and were closed today as well. I can relate to the screaming like a psycho ... that was me today. Glad you're settled - or at least feel a little like it. Take care!