Monday, December 3, 2007

My brain...

seems to be thinking in a language I don't know. I have this fuzzy feeling around my whole head and can't understand anything that I must be thinking. Or, maybe I'm not thinking at all, but that would just be tragic.
Nick is growing way too fast. He's army crawling and doing the daa daa daa, ya ya ya, ma ma ma. It's adorable.
Eden is reading three and four letter words. It's so exciting!!!
Kaitlyn is growing!!! She really is. Size 2 clothes actually fit her and the 24month ones are too small! (Heavenly Angels sing a glorious AAAAHHHHHH). Nevermind that Eden was a size 3 at her age.
Last week or the week before... I can't remember. Maybe if I were fluent in swahili I would know... we made homemade beads, baked them, painted them and now we finally made them into necklaces today. A true nightmare in the non-crafty mind of Elizabeth. Thank God that one is over.
As far as Jody's job goes, we've heard nothing from anyone. God gave Jody enough sales this past two weeks to get another miraculous paycheck from Waste Treatment Systems. I try not to think past the present because it just gets me down. I was having a really down day today and a song I've known since I was a kid popped into my head and I sang it as loud as I could until it sank in. Here's how it goes: "In all things I will bless you. Your praise will be on my lips. My soul makes it's boast in the Lord. The humble man will hear of You, the afflicted will be glad; and join with me to magnify the Lord. Let us exhalt His name together, forever. I sought the Lord, he heard me and delivered me from my fears. Let us exhalt His name together forever, sing His praises, magnify the Lord. " The part that spoke to me was that He will deliver me from my fears. That's what I really need to be delivered from. I kind of remind myself of the children of Isreal. God has provided amazingly for us and I still worry, fret, fear and get angry that my world isn't still more secure yet. Ah the frail little Elizabeth, grasping at straws to try to control my life when I know very well that it's not in my hands.
Okay, the fuzzies are taking over again. I forgot to mention that Nick must be teething and we don't sleep very well at night right now. As a matter of fact, "we don't sleep" would be more succinct and accurate... If only I understood Chinese, everything would make sense.
Here's a toast to faith, hope and charity. It's Christmas time now so we're switching from wine to Bailey's and coffee... maybe that new kind with caramel. OHHHH and guess what? Hershey's made a new Kiss for their 100 year anniversary. DARK CHOCOLATE truffles!!!! Addiction, oh sweet blissful addiction.

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