Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Today I realized a lot of things:

Today: Got up, realized I have pink eye in both eyes just like after Kait's birthday party at Boondocks when the bumper boat water got in my eyes. Eden had a very red eye too. I drove everyone else to school, we parked in the FRCC lot and I called the doctor and they gave me a pink eye prescription. Went to Target to fill it and realized pharmacy didn't open til 9. Waited got a coffee... They were out of it so I had them send the scrip over to Walgreens on Ken Pratt. We go over there, get it. realize the dogs are still in the basement and high tail it home. I run around stripping sheets and trying to see through my fiery eyes. Realize we are out of time! Back in the car, have long conversations about Cotton every time we pass "his new home". Pick up Nick and Ashton, come back home. Feed everyone lunch. Back in the car for Eden's allergy appt. Stop to see if Cotton is around. (cringing inside) Poor Hazel is completely frazzled but she has no idea how much longer this day will be. Get to the allergy place, the guy lights Eden's arms on fire and and announces he will be back in 15 minutes. Realize I should have arrayed child care for this foray. Nick runs over Hazels hand with a wheeled chair. Eden clenches her fists and moans. Hazel escapes into the docs office a couple times. I nurse Hazel. I make Nick look at a book because he's being completely crazy in that little room. I have graham cracker crumbs and applesauce all over me and I realize I reek of body odor (it's ANOTHER 96 degree day). Back in the car, call Jody, we conclude the treatment is probably too expensive maybe she can start it sometime down the road soon. (groan) Realize I don't have the diaper bag but I don't have time to go back for it. Realize my sunglasses are in that diaper bag. Get to the bank to pay rent and realize (again) that my checkbook is out of checks. Go running to the school to pick up kids and call other carpool mom to ask if I can take her kids to a few banks. Go to my bank, withdrawl cash. Go to other bank, deposit it for the landlord. Go home, unload dishwasher and reload it as fast as possible while yelling at Kait to find comfortable clothes for karate. Take all four kids to karate which is next door to Blackjack Pizza. Realize I'm starving and down and buy a pizza, stuff two pieces down my throat while standing beside the outdoor table waving bees off of the three kids not in karate. Hustle everyone back into the car, run home, nurse Hazel, change clothes and dash out the door with Eden for Princess Club. Arrive at Princess Club late only to realize I have somehow missed some beautiful ceremony where all of the little girls dress their mothers up in toilet paper for a fashion show. Am I sorry? A little when I look at Eden's thrilled face. About 10 minutes into the discussion I realize Princess Club is basically a support group for the most amazing mothers on Earth and I'm sitting there afraid they will find out I came without an invitation. Driving home from Princess Club where I have realized that my children have far too much freedom of movie choices, internet access and phone access. Well, far too much freedom in general. It puts me into an introspective funk. As we drive home Eden says "We're just sitting here driving. What are we going to talk about?" Who are you and what have you done with my daughter? Remember? The one who waits three years to tell me she watched some random movie at school? The one who shrugs and makes a hang ten sign when I ask ANYTHING about her life? Get home, tuck all four kids into bed. Eyes are BURNING on fire and yet, I still had to blog it. I just had to.

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