Monday, September 24, 2007

Why am I still awake?

And why haven't I folded that dang laundry? I've sworn not to wash any more laundry until I fold and put away every last clean piece in the house. If anybody starts throwing flylady jargon at me they'll see the bad side of Betsy (that's mad Elizabeth). I'm not all bad. I've vacuumed the whole downstairs today. I've made the kids put away at least 70% of the stuff they drug out and put the rest away myself. The only real fault I see is that it's 10:55 and I'm squinting at the computer because I'm so deathly tired and I just can't tear myself away. After the monkeys go to bed I just love surfing and it's really bad. Tonight I was doing great until I started going over the class plan for tomorrow and realized it was all about the human brain and skeletons. I ran straight to the computer to print out animals and their matching skeletons for the kids to match. I swear the more things I get to teach, the more excited I get about doing this homeschool stuff. I'm certainly not as varied or experienced as a teacher in a classroom but I'm excited to call my chiropractor tomorrow morning and see if we can stop by his office for some skeletal viewings. That's something I know they wouldn't do at school. The most exciting thing of course is that my montessori supplies arrive on Wednesday. Every week when I go over my class plans it suggests something from the kit I'll be getting and I just CAN'T WAIT to incorporate it all.

Simply the very best part of the homeschooling so far this year is that Eden and I have finally reconnected. Since Kait was born, we floated apart and I had a very short temper with her. It was strange, like I just expected her to grow up because I was more busy. Now that we're doing all of these things together she is so sweet and so helpful and I feel myself working so much harder to help her and show her things that I had just assumed she would eventually figure out before. She has arbitrarily told me that she loves me more times in the last two weeks than in the whole summer.

Kait is struggling right now. I'm thinking about what to do to kind of bring her around. It's just the typical two year old pouty whiny stuff that everyone complains about so I doubt there's a whole lot I can do but I'm contemplating it anyway. On the other hand, her vocabulary seems to double every day. I just crack up sometimes when she says a new word in conversation. Today she used a word and my mind is so blank. I'll come back and edit this when I remember it.

Nick is at my most favorite age of all babies. Three months is magic. Plain and simple. He started that completely irresistable behavior of pulling off while he's nursing and smiling a lazy smile and then diving back and nursing some more. All three have done it and I just love it to no end. Tonight he was laying in my lap just giggling his head off. It was the most laughing I've ever heard from him. I would make a funny face and he would just giggle for the sheer joy of giggling. He has such a wonderful laid back happy personality. I just love it. It's so easy to tell what he needs when and he's so happy when you just do it.

Anyway, I'm going to bed now. My redhead will be home in only an hour and ten minutes. Man I miss him.

Here's a pic from the apple orchard we went to on Sunday.

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