Tuesday, June 12, 2012

5 years old

My Nickster is five. I have loved watching him turn into the charming, witty, humorous, theatrical little boy that he is. I have loved watching Jody play with his little boy with little boy toys. This year he got a remote control car from Grandma and it's hard to say which of them was more excited. Nick loves me with devotion and his affection is more expressed than the rest of the family put together. He hugs me several times every day, picks me flowers and tells me he loves me continually. He wins me over with a smile and a tilt of the head. I think he could probably get me to do just about anything. I am told he is just like his daddy was as a little boy and I can imagine. Jody is a lover. No matter how angry I make him or how badly I disappoint him, he still holds my feet in his lap and talks me through life while he loves me without fail. Nick is lucky to inherit such characteristics. This morning Jody got up extra early and made mickey mouse shaped pancakes for the Nicks birthday before leaving for work. I was about to wake them up and he told me not to, and put them in the microwave for them to eat later. He didn't leave a dirty dish in the kitchen. I don't make this stuff up, I'm really that lucky!I intend to do a bunch of pics like I did on Kait's birthday come Saturday when I have party pics too. :)

1 comment:

Nana said...

Loved it. And the one from 25 May. I identify very closely with so much of your writing.