Friday, May 23, 2008


We had this little hope that our house would sell and it was stolen before we got used to thinking it. The silver lining is that we had already talked ourselves into taking the slow and steady path of waiting to buy a house until next spring. So, we continue to hope, wait and pray that we can somehow keep making the house payments on "the millstone" as we have named it.
Eden will be starting Kindergarten in August. Is it here already? I look at her and remember looking at that tiny little 6 pound baby wondering what her personality would be like, what color her hair would be, how much her eye color would change, what her favorite color would be, what she would love and hate. Well, now I know alot of it and it's just as interesting as I thought it would be. She's a lover. I have to say, I know I'm too hard on her half the time and probably don't tell her how wonderful of a person she is the other half.
Umm... gotta tattle on the husband. Nick will be having a little outpatient surgery later this summer so JODY comes up with the brilliant idea that he should get the big V at the same time so they can be laid up together. I just looked at the man in utter disbelief. I mean, can you imagine me caring for TWO invalids with the girls running around in circles either begging for or refusing baths and begging for chocolate when they aren't stealing it or having a pee pee accident? I mean... come on! That's not even saying I agree with that whole proceedure. I've read the details of that surgery and it sounds VERY unhealthy long term. Anyway, hope someone gets a laugh out of Jody's totally classic man idea. Now maybe he won't notice my new post on the blog! LOL!

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