Sunday, November 29, 2020

hey there to my deep feelers

We try to be real, compensate for extremes and hope this means we are enlightened, not fake. We learn to let go of the people we were too much for and open our arms to the one's who welcome us on the journey. We strive through a world full of judgement, derision and cynicism. We ask ourselves to pray instead... because nothing else really ever did work. We fail. We fall into moments of self pity, myopically focused on the impossibility of our lives. We give in to moments of bittersweet nostalgia about the cycle of life. We gaze at old pictures with an almost desperate feeling of amnesia, wondering who we were and what we thought. We spend weeks on end floating above feelings, doing all of the things with a weary avoidance. 

But when a moment comes, we slip into silly laughter, dancing ourselves silly or savoring red wine or salty chocolate or $20 cheese. Without effort we fall into throes of passion, feeling worshiped and possessed by our lovers, reaching new heights of bliss. We find our way out of doors and melt into the sunset or walk across the mountain and our hearts feel clean. We meet with Jesus and He let's us see through His eyes. Present concerns become unimportant. Our hearts find their way back to purpose. 

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