Friday, August 28, 2015

The hard cold facts

There's a feeling in me. A feeling of dread. I know, I sound like my dad. The problem is, people all around me are making excuses for the murder of 56 million babies. Some people even try to compare it to extreme prolifers who shot abortionists in the 90's saying both sides are evil which sadly there's no way to strike such a comparison. Quite simply, our country, our generation has more blood on its hands than any other. Many tell me that a woman should be able to choose. But they always leave that sentence hanging. Choose to have their baby killed and parted out to the highest bidder? What about the fact that since abortion is legal 40% of women are coerced into it? I think about all of the things people are told they just have to tough through in life but then when a life is literally on the line, suddenly others want to offer women a shortcut from the hard things. There are no shortcuts. We all play the hand we are dealt. The negative fallout from abortion it horrific. From abusers forcing their victims to get them, to abortionists selling baby body parts, to women suffering years of post abortion stress. But the scariest part of all, is the murder and the judgement of God. People always say, don't judge, that's God's job. But I wonder why there's no fear of that. Are we to be the generation with no consequences for our sins? I'm not talking about the abortionists and women who receive them, I'm talking about the people who turn a blind eye and excuse it. Judgement will come. And it will be a dark time. 

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