Monday, June 1, 2015

little of this and that

This morning I woke Nick up for his first ever day of soccer camp. He loves soccer so I was rather dismayed to find him completely unwilling to go. I poked and prodded and maneuvered and leveraged and got him in the car to go around the block to it because he declared he would be too tired to ride his bike home this afternoon. I started my nonsensical chatter about camp and rambled on about how great and new and exciting... then he added "and scary". I looked up and realized he was nervous and was coming off as grumpy and tired. I was able to turn things around in our three minute drive and then when we arrived at the soccer field and all of these awesome soccer players from England and Scotland and Ireland started speaking and Nick started glowing. I wish I had a reason to stay all day in the shade with a water bottle and my kindle.

Yesterday I came home from a girls weekend and found that Jody had finished my new flower bed. It's going to be the herb garden. I'm very excited about it even though it doesn't look exciting to a person expecting to see herbs. Jody tried to teach me how to lay the bottom layer so I could actually be a productive piece of this project but I only managed to lay stones in a terrible meandering line that he had to redo. I hope I was somewhat helpful but I really don't know. All I do know, is that I hugged him and told him he was amazing because he is. He just went and bought some special saw blade and started cutting pavers like a pro. He's that kind of guy. Whatever he decides to do is just a process. Whatever I decide to do seems to be either practice or an expensive education.

About the girls weekend... It's the first one I've ever been on aside from going with my sister to a marathon in AZ one time. I know, I'm behind the times. It was really special though. I kinda botched Jenny's big 4-0 a couple of years ago and she unknowingly gave me a do over chance when she texted me a random "I want to go out with a bunch of friends for my birthday, should we do Whimsy?" Let me just say that Jenny and I did once do Whimsy with some friends and it was fun in a very self deprecating kind of way where you make fun of yourself the entire time because you are doing something you have no gift or talent for and with painting you do hit a point of no return.  I redirected her and asked her to go big or go home and she did and we did and it was so fun and unforgettable. We rode in rickshaws. We went to wine and cheese at a gorgeous wine bar and had dinner at the girliest champagne bar with chandeliers and white couches. We checked out an underground lounge which was awesome in my opinion. We hit a techno dance club and danced so long my calves ache now and honestly I don't know how to dance or whether I looked like Elaine from Seinfeld or not but I didn't care and those girls made me laugh. It was great.  I walked away from that night educated. People challenged me to think about things in new lights, they made me laugh till my belly hurt and they showed me beauty. I have such admiration for the kinds of people Jenny has chosen to surround herself with. Our night wasn't perfect which is what made it perfect. I've left out the secrets because after all, that's what creates a sisterhood. The parts that you laugh at and cringe together over and retell each other too many times not knowing why. I think the best part of the night was when Jenny told me she looked around at all of the friends she loves best and people she had always wanted to get to know who showed up and she got a little teary knowing they came just for her. I thought man, that's really cool. Everyone needs to have that at least once in their life.

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