Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mushy gushy

It's April and I am completely twitterpated. Jody and I stood on a bluff in Arkansas one April day and we promised before that gathering to treat each other with utmost care and consideration and love. I am happy to say that nine years later, my list of regrets and wrongs suffered are meaninglessly short and my warm memories of love and care are endlessly long. Jody and I have really lived life together. I remember when it felt like we had no history. There were all of these people with all of these memories with Jody but I wasn't one of them. Now, it seems like I'm the one who knows him and cares for him the best of all. I don't know how we did it, but we got one of those lucky, incredibly cohesive marriages. I love him! Ah, I am so glad that I am twitterpated on my 9th anniversary instead of the alternative.
Now, can I make this little story as funny for you as it was for me? Twill be the true proof of good writing though it could never be quite as funny to someone who doesn't really know Jod. We sat on the couch watching The Office. Michael was trying to get up the courage to propose. Everyone was saying how scary it is even if you know the girl will say yes. Jody turned to me with an exaggeratedly serious face and said "I was nervous". I laughed and said "yeah, there was a real risk I'd turn you down..." He snickered and said "nah, I had you right where I needed you with a bun in the oven." I started laughing at his little quip when a light dawned in is eye and he said "Kind of like right now!!!! We should renew our vows!!! You could go put on your wedding dress and we can go out there on the deck and... RENEW OUR VOWS! It was just this time of year too!!!!" I was now hopelessly giggling over the sheer thought of Jody EVER doing something as public and sappy as a vow renewal and all because I'm pregnant in the spring again. He cracks me up sometimes. Life really is good.

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