In about a month, her first fast friends at school will be close enough neighbors to walk to each others houses. I'm thankful for her to have this continuity in her life. We left Littleton when she was two and a half and she was devastated after the tea party we hosted to tell all of her cute little friends goodbye. Then, when we left Kasson, she cried her first true heartbreak cry. She sat on those stairs and cried for her home and her best friend and I felt AWFUL! So now, Eden will be near her friends and we'll have water gun fights and run in the sprinklers and ride bikes to the ice cream shop and all of those things that you hope your kids will experience with their friends through childhood. Man, I'm such a sentimental sap.
This is Eden and Lauren dressed up for Halloween this year.
This is Eden reading a birthday card from Charlotte this year:
Kaitlyn is in Kindergarten this year and she is in class with Lauren's little sister whom she made friends with when Eden and Lauren struck up a friendship. She asked me a few weeks ago if she could have a tea party with some friends from school. She chose Fiona, Katelyn and Abby. They all live in Erie and two of them live within a stroll of the new house. I snapped a pic of their party. Left to right is Kait, Fiona, Katelyn and Abby.
All I have left is to find Nick a circle of friends. I hope it all comes together for the little guy this year.
So, that's why the nomads are moving again. And stay tuned, I wouldn't be surprised to see another move coming up in the next two or three years. ;-)
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