Monday, January 19, 2009

Busy like a bee...

I've been so busy lately and terrible at blogging.
First of all, I'm sorry I didn't send out Christmas letters. I wrote one and wanted to end it with the good news about Jody when we got it and then the computer I had composed it on, died! So now, it's mid January and I really have to wonder what in the world you will all think if you get a letter from me now????
Recently, I've continued my storage auction obsession with limited success. I won one last Friday and made $255 within 48 hours and my garage was empty! It was a rush!
The kids are great. We've been having amazing balmy weather lately and it's very invigorating and it really lifts the spirits. If you are reading this from Minnesota... I'm sorry. What else can I say? Why did your ancestors think that would be a good place to settle??? I just don't know.
Today we buzzed over to Boulder and hung out on the Pearl Street Mall for a couple of hours and fed some homeless people. It was nice.
Finally, I just want to go on the record and be sure that everyone knows, I never believed in global warming. It's a terrible hoax. If you just think for a minute about the biological history of our planet, it's inconcievable. If the planet had to be at least 30 degrees warmer for dinosaurs to survive and they were so huge, putting off all of that heat, well, it's just ridiculous. Of course we have had cycles of warmth and cold. We are not changing the temperature of the planet. It's silly. We don't even have credible data of the temperatures for the last 100 years let alone thousands. There, when they admit it was a silly idea and wondered why they gave Al Gore a Nobel Peace Prize, it's out there that I never thought it made sense to begin with.

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