Monday, March 10, 2008

Well, what's new people?

I don't have alot to chat about but I'd love to hear from the world of people who don't blog. Shoot me an email. Let me know what's new.
Here's a little rant. I saw on the news that the flu vaccine is approximately 50% effective this year. Pretty much like every other year. When are people going to stand up and say GEE... washing my hands is more effective than that. Maybe I should skip having them shoot some mystery mix into me every year and handing them a $20 bill. Maybe this is just another fantastic money making idea fabricated by the "health" industry, otherwise known as the "sickness" industry. It's so wearisome to me. There is no proof whatsoever that they are saving any lives with that stupid vaccine and yet they even have the news stations under their thumb touting that everybody within this certain age group or that "must have it". Whatever. I'd rather spend my money on books or a coffee now and then. Hello world, there's no easy way out of illness, you must be scrupulously careful, wash your hands regularly and avoid doctors offices and hospitals at all cost! LOL! Flu vaccines are just like all of the other quick fixes out there... they don't work.
On a lighter note, Kaitlyn makes me pretend she's my mother now. It's exhausting when we're in role I have to ask if I can do things, I have to sit in her lap and make whatever cookies she tells me to.
Eden is so ready for school I can't wait! She's going to love it so much. She goes around sounding things out all of the time. It's a hobby now. She has actually taught Kaitlyn how to rhyme. It's so cool. Kait told me today, "I know a rhyme... pee.... tea." Seriously, I thought that was so awesome.
Nick still doesn't sleep worth a darn at night. Sometimes I blame myself for not working harder at teaching him to sleep and sometimes I just go grab him and snuggle up in the big chair and hold him. He burrows down into my chest and sleeps. I'm so tired but I just can't believe this is my last chance to hold my own baby. He's a doll. He loves to take things apart and is a complete rebel about diaper changes. Today we went to a couple of stores and he had a bobber from a fishing pole with him. He carried it the whole time. He put it down one time on a shelf at the bookstore and then Eden handed it to him and he hung onto it the rest of the time, even when he was asleep. He's all boy. I just love him to pieces. I guess we only get a little while for them to be babies for two reasons. 1. So we don't lose our minds. 2. So we don't get too attached to it.
Better get dinner started before Anmchara gets home. It's tilapia, asparagus and rice tonight. Sound so blah.
The budgeting continues to get better and better. Jody and I can't believe how quickly we're going to knock this down. The only possible monkey wrench is that blasted house in Kasson. I still can't sleep at night for thinking about it.

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