Thursday, December 18, 2014

The dark side

I'm now the one with dark humor. I joked about single people not having to endure the torture of wheedling family members bending over their death bed begging them not to die like idiots the other day. Jody was clearly horrified and told me he'd never thought of such a thing. I shrugged and said "yeah, I only say what's true." It's true alright. Very true. Lonely people will have peaceful deaths, traveling off to heaven without a reason to linger or fight the inevitable. 
Another thing I wonder about is why is it so taboo to grieve? No matter how ya do it, people are all off to the side saying crap like "she's just never gonna get over it." Well gosh people it's not a pet rat ok? For years we've all listened to you rattle on and on about how many people in your house puked this week or how you just hate packing when you move or how smart your kids are which all get the fog horn for most boring conversation/Facebook status ever and we are not setting you a time limit (even though honestly we should). You are still accepted and loved even if that's all you've got forever to the end of time but that's only because we can use the hide feature on facebook and minimize the refrain. Just saying... Those who live in glass houses should only throw marshmallows.

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