Wednesday, September 3, 2014


This mommy held a hurting toddler all night while she jerked awake screaming that her neck hurt every 15 minutes. This mommy woke up with a migraine. This mommy made her kids tardy for school. This mommy didn't make lunches or kiss their cheeks. This mommy laid on the couch with a cold cloth on her head muttering directions to the kids as they readied themselves for school. This mommy held her little girl and watched Frozen and Dora and made scrambled eggs and drank coffee with frequent distressing interruptions as that girlie cried because her neck hurt. This mommy did diddly all day long until the little one got to go to the chiropractor. This mommy accomplished almost nothing today. But today this mommy received. Her monkeys did their very best getting ready and the first words of her boy after school were "do you feel better?" They helped make dinner. They put away their laundry. The husband went school binder shopping and served dinner. The collective accomplished this mommys job. Thanks guys. I love you.

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