Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Sometime I preach to myself

I stood in the shower crying as I relived a past failure. I wished I didn't have that memory, I have plenty more just like it. It seems like I could have learned from all of the other failures to avoid it. I thought about those little quotes people post on Facebook and decided to write one of my own. "Today will someday be a memory, make it warm, happy and full of love." I'm sure it's already been said a hundred ways by a million people but there is nothing more true. 
Every day I swirl a little of my dads honey into my tea. It's about as close to him as I can get. I'd pay any price for a phone call from him to go along with it like I used to have all of the time. We always talked about people. He told me who was visiting the farm lately and what they helped him with. My mind would float in and out with all of my little children distracting me but I enjoyed the changing  tones and chuckles as he talked. 

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