That's what I love about my blog... when good stuff happens, I want to blog it, when bad stuff happens I want to blog it. It doesn't seem to matter how I feel, I want to blog it.
Today I got up, it's the first day of Eden's spring break. What a lovely feeling to have my eyes open at 8:30 and turn over and see Nick laying in his bed smiling over at me. It's so funny how everyone pities me because we're in such a small place that Nick shares a bedroom with us when I find it to be the sweetest thing in the world about9 90% of the time. He's a very special little man. Anyway, I came downstairs, started tea and checked my email. There were two relevant emails. One was from our renter time stamped 7:24 and one was from Jody time stamped 7:29. I looked at the titles. The renters said "notice of intent to end lease" Jody's said "Hey". I clicked on Jody's and found the sweetest love note he's sent me in months. It was exactly what I needed. I moved on to the renters email and found myself devoid of emotion or impulse. It was as though God were telling me that I do have what's important in life. I have Jody. He writes me love notes after 8 fantastic years of marriage. We have our great children and no matter how much I stress about that house, it won't change the situation or the fact that I have a simply wonderful life. I went to the brink when Jody got cancer, I know everyone says that it's not a bad kind of cancer and it won't kill him, yadda yadda yadda. The bottom line is, it was not just the run of the mill thyroid cancer, it was all over the place and it took me to the edge. I looked at what a future without him would look like and I realized what a great thing we have going. Forget about the penniless state, the renter status, the medical bills, the house in Kasson that I want to curse but know I shouldn't. Forget about everything except that I have a husband that comes home and wraps his arms around me and loves me wholly. We don't have all of that junk that other people do. I don't know why we're so fortunate or why we'll never break each others hearts but we got that. We got that magical little piece that holds an entire life together. My kids could someday lose a parent, but they'll never lose their family or the security of knowing it's whole. We might not be able to buy a house for years, or a trip to Disney in their whole childhoods but they do have the important pieces that make good people who contribute to society in a postive way.
The day of countless treasures doesn't stop there. When I got downstairs I had also missed a call from Gin. I called her back and my dear sister of thirty years was on cloud nine. Why? Because of something I had shared with her. I shared my Dave Ramsey course with her two years ago as I paid off every last stinking credit card, Gin aborbed it, grabbed it and ran with it. She was calling to announce to me that she and Brad had saved more than enough money for their property taxes for the year and for the first time in years their tax refund was not going to pay off credit cards. It was just their money to spend as they chose. Brad told her he's officially done with credit cards. Wow, what a blessing to me, to know that I shared something with my dearest friend in the world that had improved her life so dramatically. Can any gift be greater than to be free of financial stress?
A few hours later, the doorbell rang. I went down and there was a package from Pottery Barn. Okay, anyone who knows me, knows I did NOT order anything from Pottery Barn. I opened the box, sure it was an accidental delivery. No, there was my name on the packing slip with an adorable little silver tape measure. Printed on it was "measure twice, cut once." I stared in utter confusion, fear struck me that this might be an inside joke from someone that I was supposed to understand. Finally my mind cleared and I realized that this must be the little gift that Knelly wanted to send me the other day just because she thought it was so cute. It was just another piece of the symbolic puzzle in my day.
What more could a girl ask for?
Now I must make my children a lunch and go romp and play with them for the rest of the afternoon.