Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dear America,

It is almost offical. Your future generations now have a mortgage of 1.5 trillion dollars to deal with thanks to President Bush and President Obama. If you are a "gimmie" person, you're in luck, pick your favorite topic, get in line and hold out both hands, "Money Express" has arrived! You can get money for anything from buying a house or car to getting a tv converter box. If you're a crooked CEO for a large corporation, it's in the bank, Uncle Sams bank that is. Are you concerned about government workers driving cars that aren't "green"? Put your fears to rest, they will all have new cars soon and they will be "green"! Wanna get a tax refund even though you never paid taxes in 2009? You are in! Wondering what the exact Census report for 2010 will be? No worries, not a borrowed penny will be spared in this very important process. Just try not to focus on the fact that we are stealing bread from our grandchildrens mouths. If you are like my family, on the other hand and just want to have a job and hang on to your property value, I just don't know what to tell you. If you're hoping they've budgeted money to find the villans that ran away with all of your 401K, think twice. That money is gone and nobody even seems interested in talking about it. If you don't want a hand out, and want to work, save money and provide your children with education and the hope of an entreprenurial country, I'm sorry but that's just not where we live anymore.The days of financial giants falling is over. Lord knows why, we all know that where one falls, another smarter and better one takes it's place. America is, work hard, hand over your money to the government and don't even bother to hope they will spend it wisely. So, if you wonder how this will impact our country long term, you have two options. 1.We will have crushing taxes, a terrible depression and feel imobilized for a very long time... not likely. 2.Taxes will stay the same, hyper inflation will occur due to the depreciation of our dollar, thanks to our China loans and our children's children will live in oppresion. That's where we're at. Yes President Obama, you are right, I am scared. No, I'm not scared of failure, I'm not afraid of scratching my way through a few years of hard times. I'm scared of the legacy my generation is leaving. I am very scared. This is another "New Deal" and the last one didn't work. What works is private enterprises that are accountable to the law. All I'm trying to calculate is how many generations away from complete Communism we are. Oh and off topic, but how long until Congress votes for another raise for themselves? Anyone want to hazard a guess at that?On the upside, the economic downturn has revolutionized the way my family lives. We are living more frugally, avoiding incurring debt, selling things we don't need, thinking things through before we spend and just generally living in a way that would heal our country if it took off. If banks weren't over extended with home loans, car loans, credit card loans, student loans and a ton of other stuff people have no idea how they will ever pay for, they would be able to extend reasonable loans for reasonable requests. The gluttony of America cannot be fixed with a loan from China spent on government programs that just give $$ to unemployed people instead of creating jobs for them (that is a presumption, I have no idea where the 800 billion is coming from). It's just ridiculous. There needs to be a cultural change.

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