Saturday, July 26, 2008

Serenity Now!

Night before last Jody told me he'd have to take his bike to the bus stop because his car needed either a new alternator or a new battery. Nick kept me up all night, throwing up, coughing and thrashing. The next morning, I loaded the kids up. drove around the corner and picked up some patio furniture that a lady sold me for only $60. If I had known then what I know now, I would have saved the $60. We brought it home, the girls helped carry cushions and we got it all set up on the deck. A little bit later, Kaitlyn started vomiting. I wandered out back at one point to enjoy my furniture and realized my dogs were gone. I ran around the side and found that I had not properly shut the gate. I ran out front and a neighborhood lady said she'd seen them running around about an hour and a half before. I ran back inside and called the Humane Society while visiting their website. Yup, they had my dogs but I would ummm have to ummm pay ummm. I have no idea why she said long ummms in between everything but it was driving me insane. Long and short, a $55 fee per dog for picking them up, $20 per dog because I was behind on their rabies vaccines and $20 more per dog because they didn't have City Liscenses yet. I burst into tears and they offered to let me just pay one $55 fee and all the rest. I took the deal but if Eden didn't love them, I would have said for them to just keep the varmits. During the course of the conversation they found many opportunities to lecture me. For one, Kearney has buttons in her ear to help with her aural hematoma and the lady thought I'd done it as a cruel joke to my dog. Then she called my vet to verifiy my story and found out that Kearney is DUE to have the buttons removed and I needed to get over there right away. She also saw fit to point out that if I had gotten their liscenses, they'd have come home, not gone to the Humane Society. Ra Ra Ra! I got off of the phone with the Humane Society just crying over my stupidity and feeling like a failure as a dog owner and turned to look at my three darling children but instead of studying their adorable faces, my eyes fell on Eden's brand new glasses, just 24 hours old, sitting on the couch at an odd angle beside Nick. I walked over, picked them up, and started chanting "I will not cry, I will not cry." They were broken. I pulled out the laptop to look at my bank account since I had to buy my dogs back and new glasses and Nick came over beside me and stuck his little finger under the control key and flipped it off of the computer. I was feeling numb. I smacked his leg and forcibly moved him away but then it was time to go get Jody at the bus stop. Kaitlyn had now thrown up three times and while I wasn't looking, Eden had given her a glass of orange juice. She was looking pretty green, so I loaded her up with a bucket and set off down the road. We made it about a mile and a half when she started throwing up again so we pulled over, got the oj taken care of and went and got Jody. When we got home he took his car completey apart and went to the car store. They affirmed that the alternator was bad and it would be $180. When he got home, I voluntarily went to the store and bought him a 12 pack of beer just because he'd been so damn good to me about the most terrible day I've had in ages, besides, what's another $15?

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