Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Bee, Wasp, Yellow Jacket sting remedy

Hi All, I just want to post this really quick because the yellow jackets are off the hook lately. My mom figured out how to stop the whole effect of a bee sting. This is for normal people, not people allergic to stings. 
About two weeks ago my sister and my friend got stung multiple times and their misery was on and on for days. They both kept sending me disgusting pictures of their disfigured hand and leg. I was like you guys! This is gross but I guess if it helps you somehow I will look at these awful pictures. I tried comfrey and some old dry plantain growing at the park on my friend but she said it was just soothing, didn't actually help. My sister said the same and went to my moms house. They sat around discussing what she "should have done". Mom said she wondered if hydrogen peroxide would work since she had successfully treated brown recluse bites with it. 
Well, as fate would have it, the next day Mom got a good double sting on the inside of her arm. So she tried it! 

I was so thrilled to hear this that I started texting all of my friends. And then dun dun dun dun!!! Hazel got stung. I rushed my shrieking sobbing child inside and plunged her hand into a brimming cup of peroxide. She stopped crying and asked for a Popsicle. I was amazed. We sat there for a long time soaking her hand just in case. Finally I lifted her hand out and the only mark was a tiny white dot. 

I was ecstatic! Then I doubted myself. I had just seen on the news that 90% of stings in Colorado are yellow jackets but still... Was that really a yellow jacket? Fortunately Hazel's protective father had killed the little bugger so I went out in the yard and hunted the carcas down. I compared it to Internet images of yellow jackets and concluded it was indisputably a yellow jacket. 

And now you know. We need little bottles of hydrogen peroxide in our purses, our cars and definitely in our camping supply containers. I just read on some other blog it stops poison ivy. 

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