Monday, October 27, 2008

Birthday Girl

Well, Eden is six. She's a joy and a blessing. We had a fun birthday party at the pumpkin patch and she received far more gifts than I consider healthy. We gave her a bunny rabby who she named Cotton. He's a New Holland Lop and is opal colored. I'll get a picture up after we've gotten our camera back in business. The only reason we did this was because I foolishly promised her she could have one when she turned six about two years ago but we love him.

Halloween is around the corner and Eden will be Gabriella from High School Musical and Kait will be a Snow Princess. Nick has inherited the Oatmeal Bear costume from Kait. I do not expect him to ever show interest in any further hand me down costumes, particularly this years.
My little brother Daniel is getting married on December 6th to his sweetheart Hannah Mae in Nebraska, so we'll be travelling there for the big event and Eden and Kait were honored with the request that they be flower girls along with her neice. That's right, three flower girls. Really tempting fate there. The bride told me the other day that they will have silver dresses with green hand beading and silver shoes. I wonder if I should tie silver ribbons around their heads. Wouldn't that be cute?

Monday, October 6, 2008

A few pics from August and September

Jody's Aunt MaryLu recently requested some pictures and it made me realize I hadn't posted any good pictures for September.